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Indiana Microscopy Society

An Affiliate of the Microscopy
Society of America

About us



Fall, 2008

The fall, 2008, meeting of the INMS was held on December 4 in the Clarion Pathology Building on the IUPUI campus. The late afternoon/early evening meeting started with a meal from Qdoba Mexican Grill. After a short business meeting, we listened to presentations by Derron Bishop from Ball State University, Kathryn Campbell from the Indianapolis Museum of Art and Preston Smith from the IU Dental School in Indianapolis. Derron talked about some really fascinating ways to correlate live animal fluorescence imaging with transmission electron microscopy while Kathryn and Preston talked about how microsocpy is used in art conservation. We later discovered that both Kathryn and Preston were students of Greg Smith, the director of the Indianapolis Museum of Art's new Art Conservation Science Lab, when he was at Buffalo State University in New York. Greg hosted and spoke at the fall, 2011, meeting of the INMS.